Bayden’s riding a wave of success

Bayden's riding a wave of success

As an avid surfer, Bayden knows that hard work and patience pays off.

So he put his latest NDIS plan to good use to achieve two major life goals. First, he wanted to get his learner drivers permit and, second, he wanted to secure a better job.

Together with his Connexions social worker, Abdenor, Bayden has been smashing his goals and gaining confidence along the way.


Goal 1: Pass my Ls test

First on Bayden’s list of goals was to get his drivers license to increase the job options available to him and to make it easier to get around independently. With perseverance and plenty of spare time spent studying, Bayden got his Ls.

“I fell off my chair when I found out I had passed my Ls test. It was a lot of hard yakka: study, study, study,” Bayden said

“We studied the practice test on the computer and went through the book and the answers. Abdenor’s help made me feel more confident about going into the test.”

Abdenor said all credit went to Bayden who dedicated himself to the task, with Abdenor on hand with words of encouragement and an extra push to keep him on track.

“I would remind Bayden to keep studying in his free time, as well as when he is with us, and if he came across a tricky question I would explain the logic of the question to him,” Abdenor said.

“When we could, we would study together twice a week; he was always on time for our meetings and ready to go. He didn’t give up, he kept trying and involved himself thoroughly in achieving this goal. Bayden certainly put in a lot of effort.”


Goal 2: Get a better job

The second goal on Bayden’s NDIS plan was to secure a position as a commercial cleaner.

“The first step was to get his drivers license and after he achieved that we started looking for a job – which we’ve just found,” Abdenor said.

Bayden said: “There’s been a lot of paperwork to fill out, going to job interview, going to the doctor, we’ve been to the chiropractor, keeping healthy and eating healthy food.”

Bayden has secured a job as a commercial cleaner looking after office spaces and is now in the process of completing background checks and paperwork to get started.

“It’s been a bit delayed because I’ve lost my birth certificate and I have to organise a new one to finish the paperwork, which Abdenor is helping me with,” Bayden said.

“While I’m a commercial cleaner now, I really want to get my red Ps because I want to deliver pizzas. I think being a pizza driver will be a good way to meet more new people.”


Reward 1: Confidence and independence

There have certainly been rewards for achieving his NDIS plan goals, with Bayden reporting that he feels more confident and independent since getting his Ls.

“Having my license will make it easier to get from A to B, and makes me more independent. I can finally load up the trolley and fill the car with groceries, I don’t have to carry 50 bags of shopping on the push bike,” Bayden said.

Surfing is never far from Bayden’s mind and having a licence will make this much easier especially when he buys a car of his own.

“I am saving up for a nice car. I want to get one that has easy access so I can throw the surfboard in and go to the beach, rather than have to carry my surfboard on a pushbike,” Bayden said.

“I’m just going to get a little Ford two cylinder to start off with, and then when I get my Ps I’m going to get a really nice. Like a V8 Holden, maybe a VK twin turbo. And I’ll need roof racks for my surfboard.”


Reward 2: Surf, sun and socialising

Bayden has a great relationship with Abdenor, with both greatly enjoying their time together. Now that the hard work is over, the pair can concentrate on socialising and getting out and about.

“Bayden’s two goals on NDIS plan were to get his Ls and get a new job; we’ve achieved both of those.  Now Bayden can spend some time relaxing and socialising, our one-on-one support sessions are about to become very social!” Abdenor said.

Bayden agreed, saying: “I plan on spending more time with Abdenor, getting out and about, play with the crew at headquarters. Connexions is a great way to get out of the house.”

Along with other Connexions clients, Bayden goes fishing on Mondays and takes part in social activities on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Wednesdays and Fridays, he and Abdenor spend one-on-one time taking care of the tasks that need to be completed.

“Sometimes I meet Bayden on Saturdays for social activities. There are lots of activities that we do together,” Abdenor said.

“We go bowling, walking, fishing or to the movies. We’ve been virtual reality gaming, playing basketball, or to the gym. And of course, we go to the beach, where Bayden surfs and I watch.”

Bayden is also planning his first road trip as a reward for his hard work: a surfing trip to Byron Bay with his brother.

“My brother has been hounding me to get my Ls for months and months; he’s promised me we would go on a road trip but it hasn’t happened yet,” he said.

“We are going to go to Byron, as I have friends there. It’s lovely, I want to live up there. The surf is excellent and I also like the food and coffee there too.”

If you would like to work towards your life goals using your NDIS plan or take part in Connexions social activities, please contact Challenge on 1800 679 129 or via our online form.


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